
Detailed map of Belgium

Map of detailed Belgium. Detailed map of Belgium (Western Europe - Europe) to print. Detailed map of Belgium (Western Europe - Europe) to download. There are ten provinces, now contained within the respective Flemish and Walloon regions. The Brussels Region directly exercises provincial competences. Provinces have a dual function: Firstly, they are autonomous political communities (decentralisation), responsible for all matters within the provincial interest, But they are also subordinate authorities responsible for implementing decisions taken by other levels (deconcentration) as its shown in the detailed map of Belgium. However, even in the context of decentralisation, the province is tested in the exercise of its powers. More generally, and this constitutes the lion's share of the activity of the provincial institution, the province leads (in the existing legislative and regulatory framework) policies it funds through its own fiscal autonomy.

Map of detailed Belgium

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The territory of the Brussels-Capital Region remains and falls outside the scope of the division of the country into provinces as its mentioned in the detailed map of Belgium. The powers over community affairs that belonged in that region to the Provincial Council and the Permanent Deputation of the old province of Brabant were exercised from then on by the Flemish Community Commission, the French Community Commission and the Common Community Commission. The powers over regional or federal affairs that belonged in that region to the Provincial Council and the Permanent Deputation of the old province of Brabant, are exercised by the Brussels-Capital Region.